08 January 2013

Many glasses of unsweet tea and blue-tipped mountains

Vacancies, Myrtle Beach

Along the Boardwalk, Myrtle Beach

Feet in Places, Myrtle Beach Edition

Ferris Wheel, Myrtle Beach


In Flight, Myrtle Beach

Pink Boots, Myrtle Beach

Jestine's Kitchen, Charleston

Southern Comfort, Charleston

Earnest, Charleston

Feet in Places, Charleston

Moody, Charleston

Sunset, Charleston

F.I.G., Charleston
Suckling Pig confit with golden beets and greens locally sourced, F.I.G. Charleston
. . . 

Into the folds, Appalachian Mountains


Backyard Morning, Valle Crucis

Meditate, Valle Crucis

The Barn, Valle Crucis

Dad's Chili, Valle Crucis

Moonlit on the Northbound, Pennsylvania

Dusty Snow, Valle Crucis

Myrtle Beach. Charleston. Valle Crucis