This past Friday I had the opportunity to visit Sderot. Just short of two hours from my house, its an entirely alternate universe. It reminded me that terror still happens every single day. In fact, the day prior to my trip, a rocket had fell on a neighboring city close to the borders of Sderot. Just walking on the streets was an experience. Every bus stop doubles as a bomb shelter; the eeriest image was that of playgrounds adorned with the normal swings, slides etc.--and a concrete hut. It wasn't hard to feel the tension in the air...but somehow, even after countless rockets littering their streets, they still have the strength and courage to go on with daily life--with smiles spread across their faces.
The kick off was Fashion Night Out hosted by Anna Wintour--where else would I go other than Magnolia's Bakery?! Vanilla frosted cupcakes wrapped in hot pink tin foil finished off with purple frosting, pink crystal sprinkles and a purse were the festive treats baked especially for the occasion!
Today it was off to fashion week! The first show on my itinerary was Twinkle. I met one of my favorite bloggers Camille of Childhood Flames. She looked so fierce in her simplistic style. You go girl!
12 August 2009
Just bought a professional Canon. Of course I'm testing the waters...